By: Kayla Foster
The 2024 Outstanding Student Organization Award goes to – Better Together
Founded in 2020 beginning with only 4 students and now 542 tentative members, Better
Together has become the powerhouse organization to promote cultural exchange and community amongst international and American students and continues to provide space for students from all demographic backgrounds to connect, share experiences, and learn from each other.
The current president, David Henen, an international student from Egypt and Ph.D candidate in linguistics, second language studies is the founder of this organization. Better Together was created to bridge the gap between American students and international students, while also providing services and resources to international students acclimating to the newness of Oxford, MS, and the University of Mississippi campus. The organization’s purpose has always been to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment to bridge the gap between the students on campus and the world around them.
“Better Together is simply an organization that tries to serve the international community and their American friends… it’s simply get together, even in the name, it is better when we are together. It’s all about togetherness” said Henen.
Henen and Co-President, Larissa Kemajou, a Ph.D candidate in the biology department from Cameroon share the sentiment of understanding what it is like being a new student, let alone an international student trying to adjust to a large and unfamiliar space where not only they have to adjust academically, but socially and culturally as well.
“We provide mostly a safe environment where students can meet other students from other
cultures, get to know the students from other cultures, (and) also share their experience with the hallenges they face from leaving their country and coming to a new country, trying to fit in, trying to make a life for themselves,” Kemajou said.
From culture shock to creating a home away from home, Better Together assists students from arrival to departure by creating and sustaining close partnerships with departments on campus that provide services ranging from housing, clothing, transportation, and most importantly safety. UMatter, the Office of Global Engagement, the International Student and Scholar Services office and the on-campus Police Department are just a few of numerous departments and offices on campus that have connections with Better Together to offer academic and personal resources to contribute to the success and comfort of being a student on campus.
Numerous campus involvement events are offered by the organization to provide American
students the chance to see the international student body from the member’s lens. Faculty and students make up the current membership, which has more than 500 members from roughly 54 nations. For American students who want to practice Spanish, learn more about Japan, acquire knowledge about political and international conflicts and relations, or who have traveled outsideof the country and want to connect with a student native to the area, or who wants to travelsomewhere and need more information, a Better Together event is the place to go.
The organization co-hosts a weekly with the International Students and Scholars Service office titled “Cultural Cafe”. This event takes place in Bondurant Hall room 204C, every Wednesday from 3 PM to 5 PM. Each week, a different nation is showcased, and students from that country deliver presentations, perform dances, provide traditional foods, and answer any questions that guests may have.
They also host the yearly “All Nations Night” event. This event is intended to “celebrate the
cultural diversity of the university’s student body.” During this event, a variety of cultures are represented through presentations, dances, music, and fashion parades. This year’s event had 140 attendees from 32 nations. This is a valuable chance for all members and interested students to fellowship and explore the essence of one another’s traditions.
Other activities include their weekly athletic events supported by the athletic department, such as “Spike Around the World” on Fridays, an opportunity for students to gather to play volleyball in the Turner Center, and the Student Soccer Jam “Goals Without Borders” on Saturdays.
Since their goal is to increase awareness of international students on campus—not just as
visitors, but as engaged members of the university community—they invite all students to
participate in these activities.
“It shows them that international students can do something not just “hey, we are guests here in America…but here there are international students doing great and big events that are successful and meaningful as well” Henen expressed.
Their presence and engagement on campus is increasing as their group expands. They aspire to have more student leaders in the organization to help manage the high number of members while also carrying the torch and shining the light of Better Together.
Interested students can find the group on TheForum, the university’s website that provides
contact details and information about all registered student organizations, as well as information about upcoming events. Students are also encouraged to follow the group on social media to stay informed about events, opportunities, and resources.
Let’s be better together!